“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”
I am passionate about two things: Leadership and Excellence. They are twin flames that fuel the heart of both our personal and professional lives. As we live into our personal leadership and excellence, our companies MUST follow.
Dare to Be Bold is a blog dedicated to inspire bonfires of possibility in your personal and professional lives, as well as your organization and its culture. Subjects will range from the personal to the professional and include topics such as the keys of leadership, creating organizational cultures of excellence, and my iconic Leadership Diamond Model:
- Vision
- Marketing
- Finances
- Human Resources
- Operations
Stunning achievement doesn’t just happen.
We Cause it to happen.
2024 is already underway. What’s your plan for this to be your best year yet, both personally and professionally? Top Shelf performance does not happen by accident. It doesn’t just appear out of nowhere for no reason. It comes from deep within us and then expands outward into everything and everyone we touch. Here are a few powerful suggestions to get this new year rolling:
- Establish a Compelling, Inspiring vision. A vision that is compelling. A vision that outlines HOW and WHY your organization will be Better, Different and MORE than your competition.
- ENROLL Your TEAM in THAT Vision, letting them know HOW they, the customers and the company as a whole, will richly benefit from their contributions to that Vision.
- LEAD your TEAM into the renewed SYSTEMS and BEST PRACTICES required for SUCCESS.
- LEAD BY EXAMPLE! Someone MUST demonstrate exactly HOW to perform within the renewed systems at a CHAMPIONSHIP LEVEL of performance. Don’t TELL. SHOW!
- COACH your Team members to optimum results day after day, week after week. Encouragement comes first. We EARN the right to critique by noticing when our TEAM MEMBERS do well!
- CELEBRATE EVERY SINGLE VICTORY! There is NEVER too much celebration. Commendation is gas in the tank for everyone.
Anyone who has journeyed with me in a workshop, keynote, online program, or a coaching initiative of any magnitude has heard me say Do it ON-PURPOSE:
- Grow Sales “On-Purpose”
- Improve Operations “On-Purpose”
- Enrich Gross Margins “On-Purpose”
- Target THE best imaginable Team Members to join you “On-Purpose”
This means having a plan – a written plan – created collaboratively with Key Team Members. Design ways to measure progress. Identify Game Stats for actions that result in success. Game Stats. No idea what I mean? Then this blog is designed and written specifically for you to grow your leadership and organizational culture, one step at a time.
In addition to this blog, you can also join me on my professional Facebook page (insert a link to it that says Creating a Culture of Excellence with Ken Wilbanks) where I facilitate more in-depth dialogue, host questions and answer sessions, and support you in your unfolding leadership as the foundation of your company’s growth. Here is to 2024 being your personal best year yet!
Dare to Be Bold.
Life Favors the Bold.