Gross Margin Mastery – THE MASTER CLASS
Your Gross Margin Mastery Journey began with a potent 8-week journey through the essential elements required to activate your TEAM towards TOP TIER achievement in Gross Margin. Your journey started, but it is certainly NOT COMPLETE. It is time to take all you have learned and apply it in practical, trackable, and tangible ways that increase your company’s gross margin.
My experience shows irrefutably that proper application of the principles within ANY Gross Margin Mastery Module to the fullest extent will pay back your investment in the On-Line Journey AND the cost of the Master Class many times over week after week, month after month! The trick to a rapid, maximized return on your investment is taking clear bold action, with confidence and getting right the first time! This Master Class is designed to help you do just THAT!
Gross Margin Mastery – THE MASTER CLASS provides:
$1800.00 (10 seats available)
- Continued coaching as you introduce Strategies, Tactics and Application of Gross Mastery Principles into your organization.
- A forum for synergetic and live interaction in a video-forum setting with other Home Channel professionals as you continue on your Gross Margin Mastery Journey.
- Intimate, Individualized, and Interactive time with me in a twice monthly Video-forum.
- Membership in a private and exclusive on-line group for written questions and answers facilitated personally by me in order to keep the subject matter alive as your action plan emerges.
- A one-to-one personal Coaching Session with me during Master Class for the most personal application.
This powerful Master Class runs every other week for six 90-minute sessions beginning January 8 through March 18, 2024.
Enrollment is now open. Please contact Ken to register.
There are only 10 seats available. The investment in this exclusive coaching forum is $1800.00.
6 Month Personal Coaching Package
$7500.00 (only 4 slots available)
* Weekly phone/video conferences customized for your unique situation and challenges
* Indepth guidance for enhancing or reengineering your Margin Enrichment Strategy.
* Coaching to integrate new habits and cultural change
* Coaching assistance in designing your new systems
*Coaching assistance in selecting key stakeholders (in the design of your new systems)
* Processes for realizing results FAST.